magical_little_world____by_littl3fairy-d331aryLet me ask you: how’s your magical thinking these days? Is it skyrocketing or is it down in the cellar with Harry Potter and last year’s vision boards?

Somewhere along the way we’ve all discarded some of the best magic that made our lives feel delicious and our hearts pump out possibilities. Do you remember seeing the ocean for the first time or looking at the stars and feeling the pull of wonder? That was magic and mystery wrapping its arms around you.

In 2015, I want those arms wrapping around me, massaging my mind and heart, opening me to synchronicities, synergistic alliances and jaw-dropping wows as events and possibilities take shape with ease.

If I dig into this feeling of wanting wonder and magic, I see that it is really about saying yes to the larger, grander energy of flow at play in the cosmos and drawing it into my life. For me, a life purely embedded in “reality” is flat, colorless and achey. A world only seen through the lens of “magic” soon becomes flighty and directionless. But put these two elements together and new dimensions open, a whole new vocabulary begins to bubble in my consciousness.

It is this bubbling of new possibilities that pulls me forward with delight. When I am in the magnetic pull of wonder I can work towards a dream without breaking a sweat and projects are completed seemingly in the blink of an eye. I am tapped into the source where jazz makes sense and I ride the fantastic light.

I want to break on through to the other side. The side where a giggle can guide friendships to safe harbour and moments stretch with lustrous beauty.

A place free of struggle and stress, guilt and judgement.

Not Hunger Games but days of wonder.

Full hearts. Free minds.

Poetry and laughter, songs and silence, community and communion–sounds magical, right?

I feel this call rising out not only of me. I hear it from the mouths of children and colleagues. I feel it as my son looks at me with his sparkly eyes.

Magic. Wonder. The other side.

So as I raise my glass to the close of 2014 with gratitude and a wink, I lift my heart to 2015 and greet it with open arms and a peak on the other side.

See you there. All my love.