Get me to a nunnery…

Or a monastery…

…Or somewhere I can spend my time chopping wood and carrying water. Some days, I crave a life of simplicity – simple foods, simple tasks and simple quietude.

Recently, I’ve been reading Dr. Hulda Clark’s The Cure For All Diseases – a book that is as enlightening as it is overwhelming: the viruses, parasites and toxins in our foods, cleaners, and on our pets are literally destroying or killing us softly. She does present cures and new techniques, but overall I would conclude it’s not the lightest summer read!

The flotsam and jetsam of news headlines flowing into my consciousness makes for days of discomfort. For example:  radio waves = cancer, toxic cell phones, chemtrails, food additives, organic food that isn’t really organic, famine, strife, war, chlorine spurring depression, poverty levels increasing and a future of scarcity… Ahhh! My poor brain!

This influx of information makes our beautiful planet and people seem so damaged that on such days I need to distract my amygdala. The amygdala is the charming,  almond-shaped grey matter located deep in the frontal lobe of the brain. Its job is to alert us to harm or dangers as  it carefully listens to the world.

Negative news trumps good news as the amygdala casts its wide net. It gathers even the most sundry pieces of information and brings it to me to sort and prioritize in order of harm and survival threats. The amygdala is bit like a cat that drops dead mice at my feet.

These, then,  are the ingredients that can lead me to the fried and distraught feeling of hopelessness at the end of the day. The world feels like a dangerous, scary place at its worst, or an unfriendly, somewhat ill place at best.

If I am vigilant and clue in to what’s going on around me, I can respond to these frazzled sensations by doing one or all of the following activities. If you ever feel your sense of gratitude needs a bit of a bump, or if you need to un-fry your nerves and aura, these are the techniques that work for me:


Take a cold shower

Walk naked around the house

Walk barefoot

Run cold water over your feet

Breathe  deeply

Pat your whole body to awaken the nerves

Doing these activities distracts the amygdala from itself, as it focuses instead on the sensations being communicated by the body. It has to listen, because there is a different script being fed to it.

As you practice these techniques (you may have to do some of these activities several times to quieten the amygdala), you can feel the sludge washing out of your system. A sense of freedom and calm will begin to flow through you, re-setting your mind, body and soul.

Shipmates, we have an amazing opportunity here to change our relationship to the keeper at the gate – i.e. the amygdala – by bringing to it experiences of wellness, prosperity and purpose. And as it learns through our guidance that you/it/ we are safe, we can begin to leap into untapped, unmapped levels of creativity to solve not only pressing problems but also appreciate the good that is all around us.

Join in and distract your amygdala, and let’s reshape our future together.

I write this to you just after having taken a cold shower, and walked around naked with a green drink making its way down to my tummy! Liberation can be so delicious!
