We sigh when we feel overwhelmed, cornered or exasperated. Sighing is an instantaneous, natural way for the body to decompress by allowing it to take in more  oxygen and release CO2.

The benefits of sighing go beyond just the physical: on some level when we sigh, we surrender whatever we are holding onto consciously or subconsciously. When we get to sighing, it means we have decided to let go of control for the time being. We can shift the game plan – or even the rules – by sighing.

So today, let’s practice & observe the incredible benefits sighing brings about.

Take a deep breath and let out a deep sigh. Let your body release its tension through the exhalation, without feeling any embarrassment or self-consciousness. If you are feeling shy or resistant, you can start off by inhaling deeply through your nose, and then exhaling through your nose fully.

Do this several times until you feel a shift in your body and mind. The shift can be experienced as a sense of stillness and peace, or as a calming of the chattering mind.

When you are ready, sigh audibly – it really does make a difference to the whole body.

Sighing allows the lungs to fill up, open the chest and make more room for your heart.

As your breathing deepens, you also bring in more life-affirming oxygen into your blood, thus decreasing the ‘squeezing’ that lack of oxygen creates. There are so many benefits to this.

See how your body responds, and consciously note what other benefits you experience.