It has already started. I am referring to the holiday season: the Black Fridays, the Christmas songs, and the dusting off of the lights and decorations. Festivities are beckoning as the countdown begins for the end of the year.

navjitstandingUsually, during this particular holiday season I tag along with the traditions and merriment: the giving and receiving of gifts, the fabulous food, the walks in the snow.

But this year, I feel a stirring towards something more revolutionary. My spirit is yearning for something else. It is searching for a deeper pulse into which it can dive and ride with my soul’s wingspan.

I know it doesn’t have to be an either/or situation but I find myself leaning towards these stirrings and listening attentively because I know I am hungry.  I am hungering for the nourishment that profound connection and soulfulness can bring.

I have arrived at this point in my life where little bits of connection or fleeting moments of soulfulness are not enough.

I want my spirit to feel home in my body, to be anchored and nourished continuously so that it can flourish in my daily life.

Do you crave that?

(When I am talking about my spirit I am speaking about that part of me that is the dreamer, the light lover, the one who believes in possibilities, the one who giggles easily and is free. We all have that spirit within us – remember that wide-eyed child you were?).

My heart has been whispering to me for quite some time and now I feel untethered enough to actually prioritize creating environments (places, emotions. thoughts, actions, relationships) that feed my spirit with nutrient-rich consciousness, awakenings, oohs and ahhs.

I recognize that some areas of my life still need pruning while others need more sunlight, but here are the guidelines that I will be using for nourishing my spirit this holiday season. If it takes your fancy, join in!

  1. Create a roadmap. Make clear choices emotionally and mentally on how you want to feel during the next 25 days before actually embarking on the journey. Visualize yourself consciously navigating past obstructions or challenging situations thus creating a template in your consciousness for guiding you towards your desired experiences.

  2. Check in with your spirit every day.  By doing so, you can gauge how your spirit is doing; in turn, you can prioritize your actions to make it feel brighter, more engaged and uplifted. For me, looking at the light in the sky and immersing my senses in the immensity of it relaxes my being and makes me feel at home.

  3. Create space. Clear out clutter, disruptive thoughts and emotions by being mindful and choose emotions and thoughts that bring light to your spirit.

  4. Strategies for when you fall off the wagon. Create go-to strategies that can help you get back on track. For example, breathing exercises, going for a walk, etc. Commit to following your strategies.

  5. Limit device time. Get off the internet and your smart phone. Spend this extra time being with you even if it is uncomfortable to begin with.

  6. Pacing. Know when to pull back from activities, emotions, thoughts, relationships so that you are not straining your nervous system. Be gentle so that it feels wonderful for your spirit to be in your body. When we squeeze, we strangle our spirit.

  7. Solo. Set aside some solo time every day. The earlier in the day the better. Being with yourself is a treat. Learn to enjoy your own company for longer and longer periods of time (without the distractions of TV, phones, selfies, reading or social media).

  8. Creativity. There has to be creative expression. Write, draw, doodle, dance, tell stories, engage others with your passions. Step out of the comfort zone daily.

  9. Laugh at your struggles. Doing so will help to rebalance your priorities by bringing light to the matter at hand.

  10. Dance and sing everyday. The easiest way to connect to your spirit is through movement and sound. Allow yourself to become lost in the experience even if only for a few moments at a time.

  11. Reach out to family and friends. Speak from your heart and say what is true for you. Stay connected to the light and your spirit as you mingle with family and friends. Remember your first commitment is to yourself, so make sure you feel connected within.


These are my little nuggets of wisdom, listed here to help you nourish your spirit during the holidays and beyond. When we live, breathe and share from a place of being anchored in ourselves the gift to our families and friends is the presence of our whole being. And it is radiant and vast!

You can practice all or a few of the suggestions, whatever you decide remember to uplift your wonderful spirit.

As it is the holiday season, I wanted to give you a little kiss with this audio meditation I recorded for my Tenderlogic Consciousness Community.

This audio meditation guides you on how to create the roadmap for your desired experiences in this coming month. 

For this month only, I would also love to extend an invitation for a free month in our TenderLogic Consciousness Community group. We have monthly meditations, light exercises and hangouts just like the one above–come join us in light + inspiration!