Navjit Kandola
Navjit Kandola
navjit kandola

Hi There. I’m Navjit!

I’m an optimist. A glass half full not empty kinda gal, honing my craft as an expert, teacher, and dedicated practitioner of “Exercises in Consciousness” a series of experiential tools that include Inner Child and Higher Self work, color therapy, breathwork, and somatic integration.

I stand for the real estate of JOY. Meaning I want to spread joy and inspire others to embrace their own joy; and remember the sweetness that makes you feel giddy, purposeful, and glad to be alive.

If you would like to know more about me and my process please click here.

If you are tired of waiting to live your best live and wish to dive right in, click here for First Step towards the future you’ve always yearned for. 

Work With Me

positive reviews“I trust her beyond belief. I do not throw trust or money around lightly. And Navjit has earned every bit. She walks her talk. And then some. To say she has integrity is an understatement. Awake, clear and ON. I have recently gone through a very difficult year and on many occasions, I have paused to ask..what would Navjit do? If every finger of mine were a thumb, she would get 10 thumbs up.”

-Aase Lium

Notes on Conscious Living



Lately, I’ve heard people saying things like, “Fall is on its way!” or the enthusiastic, “Can’t wait for sweater season!” And one of my neighbors cheerily shared, “Halloween decorations are on sale!”

Morocco and Libya

Morocco and Libya

My thoughts drift to North Africa — to Morocco and Libya, reflecting on the countless lives lost to natural disasters. It’s heart-wrenching to visualize entire families disappearing under waves or mountains of debris.



Do you ever find yourself trapped in a cycle of emotions that seem to ruin your day? Do you wish you could break free from these emotional patterns that affect your relationships, work, and overall well-being? If so, you’re not alone. Many of us carry emotional baggage that often goes unnoticed, shaping our experiences and limiting our potential for happiness and success.



Consider setting aside time for a Discovery Call to navigate the intricate labyrinth of your being. Through this process, you may discover how these many facets can collaborate harmoniously, crafting the life you envision. The reward awaiting you is nothing short of breathtaking self-discovery and the unity of your many selves. Embrace this journey for you are worth discovering and celebrating.
If you’d like to explore together, join me with other like-minded travelers for My Weekly Meditation, Saturdays via zoom.



Recently, I have witnessed a subtle shift in my spiritual gears and a not so subtle change in my growth mindset and pursuits. Rather than an insatiable quest for knowledge, wisdom, and new experiences, I’ve discovered an affinity for the tranquility of “not-knowing.” The constant access and availability of information and entertainment has inadvertently led me to a place of calm, (yay) where the sanctuary of a serene mind has become my most cherished refuge.

Stretch Your Mind

Stretch Your Mind

Today, I want you to have a break from some habitual ways of relating to yourself. It’s fun to consciously change things up and experience yourself with fresh eyes, an open mind, and a curious spirit!
So, take my hand, and let’s dance on a moonbeam! We’ll giggle like kids and embrace life with a heart full of openness and wonder. Let’s make every moment count!

Death and Dying – Part 4

Death and Dying – Part 4

I hope that sharing my experience and the lessons I’ve learned will resonate with you, dear readers. Let us cherish the memories of our beloved pets and loved ones, drawing strength from the enduring impact they leave behind. May their love continue to guide us, enriching our lives with compassion, understanding, and a profound appreciation for the precious gift of life.

Death and Dying – Part 3

Death and Dying – Part 3

I want to express my gratitude for joining me on this ongoing journey into the profound topic of death and dying. While it may seem somber, we can all agree on its immense importance. As you read through this post, you will probably come across memories and personal encounters with death and dying.

Death and Dying – Part 2

Death and Dying – Part 2

A few days ago, Havana departed from this world and went to her final resting place. Despite the agony that consumed her body, her indomitable spirit remained intact. She sought solace in the comfort of our embraces, slept a great deal and yet we couldn’t ignore the telltale signs of her increasing suffering.

Death and Dying – Part 1

Death and Dying – Part 1

The other night, I felt a prickling feeling dance on my skin and an inexplicable tightening gripped my stomach. “Death is here,” I heard myself say. In my mind’s eye I imagined it as a specter looking my way from a distance. I had been expecting it for a few weeks....



Summer has begun, at last!! Well, technically, it began a few days ago, but such beginnings should be savored. With that mind, here is a reposting of my love affair with the light.

Orienting Excercise

Orienting Excercise

Dear Friends,

Here is a video follow up on our work from last week. Please, click the image below to watch the video-

Smile Meditation

Smile Meditation

Since I am away for the 1st half of June, I decided to film an old favorite of mine. The Smile Meditation.

On Humans Being

On Humans Being

Within each of us resides a symphony of extraordinary forces that shape our lives. It is truly remarkable to consider the intricate workings, vastness, and near infinite potential of 4 core aspects of the human being. Let’s take a moment to explore: Our Emotions, Our Minds, Our Bodies, and Our Spirit.

Self Discovery

Self Discovery

Do you remember the first time you questioned the purpose of your life? Was there a specific moment when you wondered if there wasn’t something more? We’ve all been there. For me, it happened when I was 19 years old and knee deep in law studies. In a moment of self reflection, I dared to explore the unknown and color outside the lines. It was as if I was awake in a dream.

Cross Crawl

Cross Crawl

Cross-crawl exercises involve movements that use opposition, such as crawling, walking, running, and swimming.