What’s 2014 looking like for you? I bet New Year’s eve feels like many lifetimes away and the whispers of a summer getaway are already entering your thoughts.

Well, that’s what it is like for me. As soon as Spring waves her wand and the flowers magically burst with flourish in my garden, on the cacti and in birdsong, I feel myself celebrating as if I am already on holiday.

Call me a lover of light. Call me a celebrant of the longer days. Call me happy. But here’s the thing: most of my goals for the year begin to become side tracked by the promises of sunnier adventures and frolicks.

Are you more easily distracted as the Sun rays spill into your office or home? Does the idea of “work” feel like a grind? Do you ever find yourself day dreaming as Spring begins her splendiferous dance? One way or the other, are you finding yourself losing your focus around your goals and intentions?

I hear you. Distractions can allure us away from what we most want to move towards, so what to do?

Fear not, here are some of my favourite fail safe suggestions to get you and your dreams united:

1. Surrender. Let your body and mind celebrate the changing of the season. Sing, dance , allow your imagination fill to the brim. Write down what you would love to be doing other than working or doing chores. You may find yourself circling back to your original dreams and inspirations with renewed enthusiasm. DO some of the activities on your list.

2. Plan to take some time off. It could be an afternoon or a whole day. Whisk yourself off on a gorgeous picnic or a stroll in nature. Nothing like nature to restore and inspire oneself.

3. Immerse yourself in the quiet and bathe in the stillness. Indulge in some alone time – meaning NO devices or people. Let your day or morning or the hours unfold in their own way. Try it, it is so worth it.

4. Reevaluate your goals/new year’s resolutions. Do they excite you still? Keep the ones that do and discard the ones that do not. Add stuff you’re excited about it.

5. Meditation* or breathing exercises. These cleanse and refresh mind, body and soul. They help to get your mind in a quiet place to focus when you need a moment to regenerate.

The seasons are a wonderful tool to use to realign our bodies, minds, souls and dreams. We can move in harmony with life. We don’t have to feel constricted or hopeless. We can surrender to the joy that change brings by choosing to use our consciousness to direct our emotions, thoughts and being.

If you’re ready to dive deeper, need a little nudge to focus on your goals, meditations to calm the chaos, and/or a community to grow with, my brand NEW TenderLogic Consciousness community is the perfect place for you. Join me and other like minded seekers.

I’ve sweetened the deal for you, and am inviting you to spend some time with us for two free months to test the waters.

So now let me ask you: are you ready to open yourself up to love, light and the possibilities of your consciousness?

Say “Aloha Spring. I love you.” and join me when you’re ready.

Navjit Kandola

*Spring meditation is already available to Tenderlogic Consciousness Community members on FB.