Make Fewer Decisions For A More Streamlined Life

Make Fewer Decisions For A More Streamlined Life

This month’s blog posts will focus on how to bring more vitality into your life by creating more space, time and energy. Here’s the first one.

How many decisions have you made so far today? 10, 30, a 100? Decisions about what to wear, eat or drink? Listening to loved ones, scheduling meetings, feeding the dogs, emptying the trash; these are all aspects of daily life that require decisions from us.

But could some decisions be streamlined so that they don’t have to be made daily?

For example, could we decide what we are going to wear each day at the beginning of the week? Or, maybe follow the lead of many political, business and cultural leaders and systematize some of the time-consuming decisions?

“You’ll see I wear only gray or blue suits. I’m trying to pare down decisions. I don’t want to make decisions about what I’m eating or wearing because I have too many other decisions to make.” That’s Obama sharing his thoughts on the subject. But there other public figures such as, Christopher Nolan (film director), and Drew Barrymore (actress)  and one of my favorites,  Nikola Tesla who arrived at the same juncture of “less is more”. Fewer decisions equal more time for what you want to give your attention to.

What would that feel like, not having to decide what to wear or eat every day? I know for me it would free up a big chunk of time and create breathing space.

And that time and breathing space is important to me, because, just like Obama or Christopher Nolan, I too have important decisions to make that affect the quality of my life and work. I want to have as much bandwidth as possible available for the things that matter most to me.

I have been working on figuring out which outfits make me feel my best and take the least amount of fussing to get out of the door. It’s odd because as I look at my requirements: comfort, easy to put on and take off, as few pieces as possible (I am not a fan of layering), my dream outfit is probably an all-in-one piece, like an aviator suit or NASA flight suits.

photo credit Alexandra Anja NItsche


I have 2 problems with the flight suits, though:

  1. They would draw too much attention which is something I do not always want and
  2. Going to the bathroom almost requires removing the whole thing.

So, I am going to continue to whittle and finesse my current wardrobe until I have a few simple outfits that I love.

This is only one area of my life that I am organizing to simplify and I recognize that initially it will take time to figure out and compose a capsule wardrobe but overall I know the benefits will outweigh the time I spend getting the wardrobe sorted out.

Would you consider streamlining your wardrobe to ease your decision-making load? In which other areas of your life could you use this approach to create more freedom for yourself?

Spring is here and there’s no better time than the present to unload the monotonous grind of daily decisions and initiate strategies that allow you to focus on what’s important. Now let’s get started.

Need a little help?  Let me help you find your way to clarity. Let’s connect.

Trust What Led You Here!

Trust What Led You Here!

My best nine from 2015!

My best nine from 2015!

Want to start 2016 with clarity and confidence? Yes? Bravissimo!

I raise my glass to you. And to that end, I want to invite you to have a FREE Discovery Session with me. Think of it as dropping in for a cup of tea and having a lovely chat to uplift your heart and get your ducks in a row. Sound good?

Plus, if you have been curious about connecting to your Higher Self or wanted to experience deep inner knowing, now is your chance to open that door to self-discovery.

When my clients start working with me, they know one thing for sure: they want transformation. I listen to them and help them to leap, to become ever clearer and closer to hearing what’s true for them. They learn to override doubts and self-sabotage and pay attention to their inner knowing*.

“Stand up!”

“Even in the dark you are ok.”

“There’s no one that can stop me, other than me.”

All these messages are words that my clients have uttered as messages from their Higher Selves during their one-on-one sessions with me. In and of themselves, these are pretty mundane statements. They may even sound cliched but when we give these statements the focus and attention they deserve, we realize that they are extremely specific directions coming from the deepest knowing within client; instructions that will lead them out of their struggles and stagnation.

I love the quiet that usually settles in when a message is being experienced by a client. There is a ripple-out effect that happens, as a truth touches another truth,that touches another. It keeps rippling, going beyond knowing and feeling, transcending time and space, releasing the bindings encasing the client. And in turn, changing everything.

“I continued to be surprised at how powerful every single session was. With you, every session felt like it made a major shift.You are able to get to, in, around, and through the things that no one else has been able to.” – Jenny Shih

Imagine layer upon layer of these revelations unfolding and amplifying; building positive feedback loops, self-esteem and inner strength. Each adding to the previous, allowing you to show up in the world as strong, confident and able to contribute meaningfully . This truly happens.

We all have such profound inner knowing to guide and help us feel more safe and secure than we realize. It is not some other-worldly, airy fairy stuff but rather nuanced, specific truths that hit home every time.

So, as we commence this year, I want to ask you, are you ready to experience your unlimited self? Are you ready to taste freedom, inner strength and profound soulfulness? If your answer is Yes? Simply, click here to get your FREE  Discovery Session with me and get ready to launch life in brilliant and fulfilling ways.

Talk soon.

*what I mean by “inner knowing”, “deepest knowing” or intuition is connecting to an awareness that augments the body’s sensory input and reason..with emotional intelligence, allowing them to form a superior intellect to be harnessed for decision making when necessary.