Invest in Yourself For The Big Wins

Invest in Yourself For The Big Wins

Alexandra Anja Nitsche

Today, I want to ask you to invest in yourself. Why do I ask?  Because, you are worth it.

Recently a client shared that she was looking at making a 7 figure income this year. When we first started working together she was in debt and struggling to find what she was meant to do. In time, we came to understand what she was passionate about and how she could succeed doing what she loved.

Another client recently shared that he is celebrating his 5 year anniversary heading his own successful company. I remember the session we did where he was deciding to leave his job.




A third client became a leader in the self-development industry and is now a coveted speaker and international author.

They all have one thing in common. They all invested in their inner growth. They had the courage to look at the good, the bad and the ugly. Of course, this type of self-awareness doesn’t happen in a 30-minute appointment or weekend seminar. It takes time, but like any great endeavour, it is worth the investment. The results speak for themselves.

Investing in yourself isn’t something we are taught. Instead, we think of education as something to get done and then we go to work.

The truth is, education should never end. Real success requires a continuous flexing of the muscles and learning new skills. There is no greater knowledge than self-knowledge. Nor is there any knowledge harder to gain. It is this self-knowledge that helps us to flourish, become champions, leaders but it is, often times hidden behind layers of low self- esteem, negativity and fears.

If you don’t know what your strengths are, how can you hope to succeed? The same is true for the opposite. Without knowing your weaknesses, you unwittingly fall prey to them again and again.

Speak to any successful person and they will tell you: get a coach, work on yourself. Learn how to be you even better. Get clear, boost your self-confidence and take consistent actions.

That’s why I want to ask you: do you know what your strengths are? Are you leveraging them to your advantage? Can you take the consistent action steps to gain momentum and get results that fulfill you?

Take a moment right now and ask yourself: am I ready to dive in and discover who I am? Am I ready to transform my life? Am I tired of watching others succeed whilst I dream?

If your answer is YES then take the next step and give yourself the gift of a Free Discovery Session with me. It’s your turn to turn on!


The Makings Of Success

Persepolis Michael Parkes

Persepolis – Michael Parkes

I have experienced all kinds of success: various degrees and diplomas, learning to drive (a big achievement for me), being able to to stand up for myself, recovering from physical and emotional trauma, living in different parts of the world. Becoming a mother.

Some of these achievements may not seem such a big deal for others but for me they are massive because of the inner journey each one required.

I had to be brave, I had to transform a mindset and take action steps regardless of discomfort or the number of obstacles in my way. Not just once or twice but daily to gain the traction and strength to move closer to that which I desired.

Each of these success stories has tears, doubts, layers of shed skins. Each story has moments of total lucidity and vision. Each story at some point required a leap of faith.

When I was a child, I thought just having an idea was enough to make things happen. Then, as a teenager, I thought, do what they tell you and that will create success, that is, study hard, go to college, get a job and so on. In my twenties, I dove into my spirituality and encountered ideas about non-attachment and how to feel wholeness within oneself.

My thinking has had to change; having the brilliant idea for a dog show for a school fundraiser was not enough to raise money I realized on the day of the event when nobody showed up. I was a pesky 9 year old at the time.

I had to walk and move my body even though my body was twisting in pain in order to heal it.

Realizing our full potential usually requires a transformation of one or many mindsets.

We all have this idea that we have to do it alone, that somehow it shows how resilient we are or how powerful we are. But in truth, nobody does it by themselves. If you look at athletes, politicians, industry leaders they all have one thing in common: they have people helping them to be their best self, to reach their full potential. Whether it is performance coaches, cooks, physical trainers or psychics they get the support they need.

In all my success stories there is one thing I wish I had given more of to myself of and that is support of mentors. In each instance I feel being mentored would have made things much easier and I could have moved through difficult situations with more understanding and less struggle.

This is the mindset shift I would like to consider today: get the support you need. You don’t have to do it all by yourself.

What would it feel like to become super clear about your goals and create action steps? What would it feel like to be on track?

As I seek the help of professionals, coaches, and healers to keep me at my best, I suggest that you do too. Even if you feel that you are at the top of your game, you may need a little more wiggle room for ease, ways to deal with stress or deepen your sense of self.

Or, if you have never had support then this may be the time to give it a whirl. Either way, if you are curious but not ready to commit, try a Discovery Session with me, at no cost to you, you have  nothing to lose and everything to gain.  I am looking forward to connecting with you.