Hello silence

Hello silence

I can feel you between my words and thoughts, in those breaths between feelings and expression. I can especially feel your presence when I let out a sigh. I see your signature everywhere – even in embraces and laughter. And when I breathe with you in mind, I feel like I am coming home.

And I want to thank you for being my ever-true friend.

Yours in love,


In today’s world of unceasing communication – with smartphones, online chats & advertisements pummeling us at every turn – it’s crucial to give our minds some time away from the relentless noise that surrounds us. Today, let us celebrate silence by sitting together in silent meditation.

Take a couple of deep breaths into your body and close your eyes. Feel each breath start to ease the grip of any tension or tightness within you, and allow your senses to open. Breathe in and out. Softly, quietly, listen for the silence between the sounds, as those moments of pause enter into your consciousness like a welcome guest. Feel the presence of inner silence and sit in meditation with this friend for as long as you would like.

When your meeting with silence is complete, take a few lovely, deep breaths and open your eyes.

Remember: silence is a part of our inner nature to be relished and enjoyed! Take time to explore this innate part of you, and discover all of the blessings it brings.


Hello silence

Forget the laundry – do some brain washing instead!

Here’s an easy-peasy exercise for us to do today. I am talking heady, brainy stuff – the kind of thing spy thrillers thrive on. Brainwashing!

Mind you, I’m not talking about mind control. I’m talking about washing out all the junk our brains fill up with: TV jingles, something somebody said, self criticism, environmental toxins, etc. Our brains can grow heavy, distracted, and tired under the weight of all this stuff.

So today, let’s change that and do a little brainwashing.

Take a deep breath and close your eyes. Breathe into your body and feel your breath reaching into your lungs, filling your blood with rich oxygen. Take a few more breaths.

Now bring your awareness into your brain, and see how it feels today. Does it feel relaxed or wiry? Can you sense the fluids and electrical pulses between your synapses? Take your time as you tune into your brain. Are there any areas that are not being used, or have been shut down? Make a mental note of these places so that you can examine the functions that area performs in the colorful diagram below.

Allow yourself time to become acquainted with your brain and the activities going on in your cranium. Take another deep breath and begin to imagine a waterfall of light pouring in from the universe into your head.  Imagine this light clearing away any residues or toxins that may be stored in there. Feel the light moving around the curves of your grey matter, thoroughly washing out all your synapses and cerebral fluids.

Continue washing your brain until you feel a sense of clarity and freshness.  Be patient and gentle with yourself if you cannot sense or feel a shift immediately. Being able to direct your consciousness inward is like learning a new language – while it can be challenging or feel awkward at first, press on. Over time, you will become very fluent.

Now take a moment and visualize your brain being filled with light and operating at light speeds effortlessly. Enjoy this experience for as long as you would like, and then when you are ready, open your eyes.

We can energize our brains and map new ways of being by using our minds in this way. Wishing you a lighter, brighter week!



Source: Persuasion.Typepad.com

Hello silence

Stand tall & stop your light from shrinking

As children, we found it easy to stand tall in our true selves, inhabiting our hearts, dreams and visions, and fully experiencing the multi-dimensional qualities of our being.Our inner  and outer worlds were filled with wonder and awe as we flew in our dreams and played with imaginary friends. We stretched out in our imagination and pulsed with genius, rippling with sparkle and light.Yet somehow over time, we forget that multi-dimensional standing and beingness, and we feel our light shrinking. And, if we look closely, we can spot physical symptoms of this shrinkage; contracted posture, anxious habits, the twinkle slowly leaving our eyes.Fortunately, it’s possible to reverse that process! For today, let’s take a moment to stand tall in our lives and expand into the multi-dimensional being within ourselves. Let’s re-ignite the spark in our eyes!

Take a deep breath and close your eyes. Take a few moments to allow your awareness to adjust to your inner being. Now, take another deep breath and scan your body to see if you are contracting or squeezing anywhere. You may notice tension or stress, tightness or heaviness.

Allow yourself to become aware of these contractions. Breathe deeply into each place that reveals itself as uncomfortable or out of balance, until you feel the tension begin to unwind.

Once your whole body feels open and relaxed, take another deep breath and ask your body what color it wants to be expansive, open and free. You may see or feel the color. Take the first vibrant, beautiful color that you perceive and imagine drawing it into your body, filling yourself up. Keep doing this until your whole being feels full.

Now, take another deep breath and begin to radiate this color out into your electro-magnetic field (your aura). Let this color ripple out of you and into your aura, washing away any of your thoughts, other people’s projections, or roles that are vibrating around you. Wash all that static out until you begin to feel light, both vibrationally and energetically. Attune your consciousness to this vibration, and sit in this pulse until you would like to open your eyes.

We have more than one way to stand tall in our lives. Let us stretch our imagination, our hearts and our visions to encompass so much more of us than we thought possible!

Hello silence

A moment for myself in silence

So many times when we want a moment to ourselves, we are looking to move beyond the distractions and attractions of surface awareness – the “this and that” of our lives. We want to go deeper; in part to rejuvenate and replenish, and in part to stretch out in our consciousness.

We want to be able to take as much space as possible within, so that we can contemplate our lives, issues that need to be addressed, and questions that want whole answers.

We know that our thoughts and emotions are active and can interfere with this quest towards silence. We do not need to be discouraged by this – we can learn to move to this silence even with the distractions.

Imagine that you can choose to focus your attention to a quieter place, listening not to the words or feelings, but to the sensation of quietude. It may feel like an opening, a sense of being “in the zone”, or the feeling that things are falling into place. It may just feel better, brighter, or clearer.

Take a moment today to sit quietly, and see if you can direct your attention to the silence. Practicing this will allow you to have the ability to direct your focus at will and win you grace in gritty situations.

Hello silence

Give your mind a break before you go bananas

I remember a time when my mind was driving me completely bananas (well there has been more than one time!). I was in overdrive – busy over thinking and over analysing my thoughts, actions, and motivations. It got to the point where I had to sit in a cold bath to shock myself into quietness!

Have you ever had that kind of exhaustion from mind chatter?

On the other hand, there have been times when my mind has been brilliant, funny and insightful. I have witnessed it orchestrate and organize disparate pieces of information and coalesce them into delicious experiences of wholeness.

The mind is an ally; willing, creative, and always on. It is this sense of the mind always being “on” that has inspired me to posit the following meditation. It’s time to give your mind a little time off!

Imagine if you could pull back the focus on your mind, and tell it to take a break while you (your higher, self or the witness part of your consciousness) take care of things. By instructing the mind in this way, and reassuring it through your inner voice, your mind can be persuaded to step down.

Let’s try it.

Take a couple of deep breaths and close your eyes. Listen quietly to the inhalation and exhalation of your breath, allowing your awareness to deepen. Now ask your mind what gift it would like from you today to be nourished and switch off to unwind.

You may perceive a feeling, a color, an image or an object – whatever your mind wants. It could be a cool breeze or a glass of water.

Imagine this gift coming in from the universe and into your mind. Take a moment to allow the gift to nourish your mind, and feel it begin to release.

Permit your mind to expand and dissolve into the infinite energy of the universe. Encourage it to let go and be free.

Continue to breathe and allow your mind to have a holiday. Give your mind as long as you can, so that it can grow accustomed to not being switched on all the time.

Take another couple of deep breaths and open your eyes.

All parts of our being need to touch the infinite, to be nourished, and to free up more RAM for loving and living!