Is it possible to ask for what you want? Can you simply ask for happiness? It seems such a simple thing to do, yet the terrain is riddled with potholes.

Have you ever felt you deserved better pay, or more time off? Are there moments when you want to be heard, but are too afraid to speak?

I think I see a few hands going up.

It’s tough to watch opportunities pass by because we never reached out to grab them. We steadily fill up with regret, resentment and disappointment, resorting to dissing or downplaying others’ successes to cover up our own insecurities. But as we tear down those we consider ‘above’ us, we’re also shredding any positive sense of self-worth left within us.

So today, we’re going to practice pushing past any obstacles or blocks that get in the way of our desires. We’re going to open up our minds to the wonderful world of YES.

Here we go.

Think of something that you truly want. A pay raise. More attention. Lots of money. A loving partner.

Part One

Take a deep breath in, and breathe out slowly. Do this a few times.

Now ask your body where it holds a conclusion or thought form that says “You won’t get what you want,” or “You don’t deserve to get what you want.”  It may be a sensation like a knot or a blockage. Expand your awareness into the feeling of this conclusion or thought.

Take a deep breath now and go to the “gut” of this fear. Breathe into the place that blocks you from moving forward. On your next deep breath, ask this place in your body what color it wants to be dissolved and released into the light. Take the first colour/s you perceive, and imagine drawing them directly into the place where your body holds the fear or conclusion. Keep drawing in as much color as your body wants until you feel yourself begin to relax.

Inhale deeply, open your eyes, and shake or jiggle your body to bring yourself back into the present.

Part Two

Take another deep breath, and imagine someone is asking you for the very thing you desire. How would you answer that person?  Visualize yourself replying yes to them with joy, and a sense of, “Of course you can have it, because you so deserve it.”.

Now, imagine another person asking you for something else. In your mind’s eye, see yourself saying yes to them too, with an open heart and gladness.

Envision yet another person asking you for help. Respond again with a loving yes. Share with them how happy you are to be helping them.

This exercise will begin to unlock the manifestation channels in your body that invite possibility and abundance into your life. As with anything, the more you practice saying yes, the easier it will become – not only to give, but also to receive.

Giving and receiving are not distant cousins. They are like yin and yang – one cannot exist without the other. Each requires a willing and welcoming heart.

Exploring and opening opportunity allows your heart to feel that swell of warmth and excitement you feel when you finally receive what you want. This month we are launching a campaign to help you explore possibility, opportunity and happiness in your future–please join me in this adventure at Future Ready!