Work. Labour. Career. Job.


All of us do something that resembles one of the above labels. How many times have I seen images of people working in the fields or sweatshops or bars and observed the stress and the cost to their lives; their spirits elsewhere. I see the same with teachers, nurses, bankers and politicians. Name a profession or job and I can point to dysfunction and dissatisfaction.

I am not sure how many people would choose to continue to work in the way they do currently, if they had a choice.

I wonder what it would look like if we no longer needed to work. Not in the fields. Not in the factories. Not in our homes. Instead we could do whatever we wanted to. Holidays, endless R&R, me time on demand, hangout time with your girlfriends, man-cave time for the guys, retreats, vision quests, you name it and you would have time for it.

I think, though, after some time, people would get bored and begin complaining about the lack of meaningful activities to participate in. And we would turn to what we now call jobs and seek them out as pursuits, working together whether in kitchens or foundries, schools or labs. The difference being that we would do it from a place of freedom and joy and not from a place of making a living or survival.

Imagine people purposely labouring in the fields and being grateful to be working the land, or, learning how to be mechanics or teachers. Imagine being taught by teachers who loved to teach or buying clothes made by happy seamstresses.

A different world.

I wish I could wave a wand and create such a world for us, but I can’t. Instead, I can send these suggestions your way for seeding satisfaction and fulfillment in your current work or job.

  1. Love what you do – no matter what you are doing, do it with love. Sweeping the floors, serving a customer, making millions – love it all. This feeling of love releases endorphins into the bloodstream creating a wonderful sense of that all is well. The feeling of wellness adds to your sense of purpose and accomplishment. Try it!
  1. You are not your job – when you are done with work (even if it is something you love) leave it behind and get on with loving the other components of your life, like your family, friends, hobbies, nature and so on, so that joy can sprout in many directions. Decide which quadrant of your life is going to get that extra love today and love it up!
  1. Change it up – You can always change jobs if you don’t love your current post. Never mind the job market or the economy YOU are greater than that. Look around, talk to people, network and figure out what you can do to make your situation better. Do you need to go back to school or get more training? Think of one action you can take today that will start you on your path to satisfying work. Do it!

Our jobs and careers take up so much of our lives, so why not inject them with love, nurture the relationships with our colleagues, and create a culture of satisfaction and wholesome attitudes in our workplaces?

Now you tell me, what do you think you could add to your workplace culture or environment to make it more satisfying for yourself and others? Share your thoughts with us in the comments below. And, if you need help in creating a clear path to your purpose, click here.